
Church Sponsorship Programs

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

We are serving fellow believers with child sponsorship programs through the local churches.  Our programs help children of pastors, evangelists, widows and impoverished families who might not be able to provide education and adequate nutrition for their children.

When financial circumstances become difficult,  it is common for parents to reluctantly send a child "out to work." Sometimes, survival does not offer any other choice. This usually means a job as a field worker or household servant. It is rare for a child "sent to work" to ever return to school or to have any kind of future beyond menial work.

Girls are often sent to work to provide school fees for their brother, and the girl might be as young as eight. In the villages, the girls might be arranged in marriage after the fifth grade, because there is no money to continue school and no other purpose or life choice for her.  

Sponsorship means a girl can stay in school and avoid life as a servant or early marriage. Sponsorship means a boy can finish education and provide for a family someday, breaking this heartbreaking cycle. Sponsorship helps parents and pastors prepare strong, discipled witnesses and leaders in all walks of life.