
Child Sponsorship

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Selecting a Child to Sponsor

You may select a specific child (click here), or allow us to assign one for you.

You may  request a boy or girl , age range and a country.

You can use our Secure Online Payment services to begin your sponsorship or send a check to the address provided. 

You will receive an information packet by regular mail regarding your sponsored child.

Sponsorship for a child is $30 per month.

Please send your check to:

Allow  The  Children 
PO Box 15039
Lynchburg, Virginia 24502-9004

Write the child's ID code on the memo line.
Or  the word "child" is enough.

We will make certain that your gift is credited to the correct child.







Sponsorship & Giving

Many children are waiting for sponsors. Can you make a difference for one child?

Sponsorship means she will have food, clothing and   basic needs met.

Sponsorship means she can go to school.

Sponsorship means she will hear about the  Savior from a strong believer within her own language and culture. 

 Sponsorship means that you can be part of her life.

 A $30 per month sponsorship provides for a child's basic needs.

We are in each country on a regular basis, visiting our children and partner churches. We personally meet with the children and care givers to keep our information current, evaluate any needs, confirm their care and to account for the proper use of the funds that come through this ministry.

We hand-deliver your personal letters to the child and bring back the child's letter to you. You can be certain that the child directly benefits from your financial gifts, and we hope you and the child will become prayer partners.


Sponsorship Details
When you sponsor a child, you will receive a picture and profile  for the child by mail.  Please send your support monthly, quarterly or annually as you wish. 


Donate to a Project
Help with a project such as animals for on-going income, Bibles distributions,  feeding projects,  evangelistic outreaches, medical clincs or building projects.


Letter Project Information
You can send a letter for your child ANY time.  We take these into the country by hand one or two times a year.


You can help our children even more by telling your friends and relatives about our program. Use this button to send the  e-mail link to someone you know.