
Child Sponsorship

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Allow The Children wants to reach children and adults with the gospel and disciple them for the Lord.  

Yet, the children need to eat every day.   

So many children do not have enough to meet their needs. Helping them is part of the job we love.

Helping them is part of the job the Lord sent us to do.

To Sponsor A Child

Contact us! Send in the information requested on the Sponsorship Page OR contact us:

    by e-mail: sue@allowthechildren.org

    by telephone: 434-525-8866

    by mail: Allow The Children
    PO Box 15039
    Lynchburg, Virginia 24502-9004

Choices! Tell us your choice of country, boy or girl and age group OR let us assign a child who is in greatest need.

Info Packet! We will send a packet of information for you, which will include the story and a picture of your child.

Letter Project! Send a letter to us for your child. Letters are carried in by hand 2 times a year. They can be received in our office ANYTIME and kept ready for the next letter project. If you prefer not to send a letter for your child, s/he will receive one from Allow The Children. Read More >>.

Prayer! Please pray for your child faithfully. Your child will know your name (unless you prefer not) and s/he will pray for you too.

Support! Please send $30 for the first month with your request for a child. Many of our sponsors pay ahead for 6 months or a year. This helps us in many ways, but any schedule works.

Receipt. You will receive a monthly receipt for each gift and a year-end receipt for tax purposes.


Donate to a Project
Other projects include church planting, Bibles, food & clothing distribution, and providing teaching & training for national Christian workers.


Letter Project Information
Child sponsors can have the joy of writing letters twice a year to the child(ren) they are sponsoring and to also receive a heart-warming response.
