
Medical Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

How We Serve

Are you a Medical Doctor? Or do you know a doctor who is a believer and is possibly willing to be part of a short term mission trip to help the people of Nepal?

Allow The Children plans a medical trip  to  Nepal every year in October or early  November.

A team, led by an experienced  Nepali doctor, who lives and practices in the United States, will bring desperately needed care to selected villages.

Careful advance and follow-up work is done by our pastors and evangelists.

Please contact us for more information.  

Dr.  Lee has participated in many  trips with us and can answer questions about the  medical ministry.

You may contact Dr. Lee (click name) by email with any questions you may have.

Medical ministry is a blessing to the believers, and an outreach to the unbelievers in the village areas where the need is so great. 

Medical clinics are a very effective way to open a new area for the gospel. They allow opportunities for pastors to meet and build relationships with people who might never have been willing to listen to them otherwise. They also provide a means to distribute Bibles and literature. 

Each time a medical clinic ministers in a village we see the churches grow in the following months.   People who normally have no relationship or connection with the church will come to see a doctor. After they have received help for their health problems, and meet the pastor and some believers, it is easier for them to come join the worship and hear the Bible teaching. 

We organize, fund and implement medical clinics annually in Nepal, and occasionally as possible in other countries. We need American doctors to come join a support team of Nepali believers as we go into the villages to meet the needs of people who have little access to medical care. The people come with a variety of health problems, including some that are rarely seen in the US.

Dr. Hom Neupane, a member of our Board of Directors, practices internal medicine and rheumatology in Syracuse, New York. Each year, he returns to his home country with us to lead the medical team. He knows the people, the language and the customs. He knows the medicines and medical procedures available in Nepal, and places to make referrals when needed. 

Dr. Rick Lee, a member of our Board of Advisors, has made multiple trips to Nepal to work with the medical clinics and now serves with our ministry as coordinator for other doctors who may consider joining us. He can answer your questions and give you a feel for what it would be like to spend two weeks in the exotic  Asian country of  Nepal.

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