
Haiti Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Allow The Children began ministry in  Haiti in 2013. The poorest country in the western hemisphere, Haiti is still recovering from the 2010 earthquake and 2012 hurricane.

Immediately after the disasters, large organizations came in and distributed tents, food and medicine. Most of that has ended now, but the suffering continues.

Allow  has two children’s homes in  Haiti. One is a small home caring for six little girls. The other has about 30 children, many of them orphaned by the earthquake. 

The children exist in bare minimum circumstances, surrounded by the poverty that is so common in  Haiti. We are keeping them fed and clothed and in school. They are learning of the Saviour who loves them, with the hope that each will grow up to be mightily used by Him in the future.

On the mountain of Chacha is a little school that would not exist except for the church and its leaders. Over 100 children come to the one room church each day to learn the very basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. There are no materials and no desks — only wooden benches and blackboards. No food. No water. No toilets.  But — with sponsorship support we can slowly  make a difference for them.

Pastor’s children program — Sponsoring children of pastors is something we do in all of our ministry countries. It shares the load of these men as they serve the Lord in very difficult  circumstances.

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