
Guatemala Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Guatemala is a Spanish speaking country in Central  America. We are partnering with another ministry to bring  physical and spiritual help to the people in this country.   

Our mission teams have built small (one or two room) homes , replaced the roof for an elder home,  joined the ongoing construction of a hospital, made a home for a pastor in the lower level of a church — and one year, with three teams in succession, we built a church for a village.   

We have done painting and tree planting and unloaded containers — distributed shoes and clothing in villages — served meals and distributed bags of food — gathered children in the villages and taught Bible stories (with a translator) — we have done home visits and evangelistic meetings — preached, sung and given testimonies in churches.

Our ongoing ministry is sponsorship for children in one orphanage and one village project.   

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