
Current Ministry Needs

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)


Paper, envelopes, printing, postage, bank fees...

We find that people really like the fact that ALL of the money they designate is going for the child or project. But they also want their tax receipt. There are government compliance tasks which we must do and which cost money. Banks charge fees for services to wire funds internationally. We must have a web site and make promotional materials. We need to maintain computers and other office equipment. We need paper, printing and postage. The office administration is an important part of the ministry.  Everything we do in the field depends on the efficiency and integrity of the office ministry in the U.S. We are so grateful for those who help with the office needs.

Slum Church - Kathmandu, Nepal

This little church, built in the slums of Kathmandu, Nepal was destroyed by city construction crews as they prepare to build a retaining wall beside the river. The church was (and is) thriving with about 100 regular weekly attenders—people from among the poorest of the poor in the city. The partners and believers on the ground in Nepal have already found a place to rebuild. We need about $10,000 to replace what has been lost. Read more about this in our April Newsletter.

Medical Team

We need American doctors to join this very important team for two weeks ministry in Nepal. 

Visit our Medical Ministry page for more information.