
Our Core Values

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

A school in a village in Nepal. 

There are no supplies and no equipment. There is only one teacher for four classrooms (four different grade levels).  The teacher is not a college graduate, in fact, he is barely an adult.

But he lived in Maranatha Children’s Home for about five years. He finished the basic education program and he is well grounded in God’s Word. Now, he is back in his own village, teaching these children.

Very few of their parents can even read. But the investment in this young man is multiplying…

  • It is our ultimate desire and passion to glorify God in every way possible.

  • It is our desire to emulate Christ in all of our endeavors.

  • It is our desire to obey to the fullest, the Great Commandments of Matthew 22:37-40.

  • It is our desire to obey to the fullest, the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8.

  • It is our desire to esteem and reinforce the authority, integrity, and role of the local church as the primary vehicle through which the Almighty chooses to make disciples, from all nations, tribes and tongues.

  • It is our desire to love and respect all of those who serve Jesus Christ, and to allow each to be accountable to Him rather than to us.

  • It is our desire to cultivate partnerships with other ministries within the worldwide community of believers, in anticipation of the wonder of the events of Revelation 7:9-10.

  • It is our desire to be found faithful as stewards before our God, and before the regulators of finances set up by God ordained governments.

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