
Mission Outreach

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Past Trip Overviews

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Timberlake Christian Schools - Guatemala

Timberlake Christian School Seniors traveled to Guatemala   with us in  2013 and four previous years,  giving their  Senior trip to making disciples for the Lord. They have worked with building projects, children in orphanages and villages and with the local village churches.  This year, they built a   small worship  “shelter”  for a  small village where a  Guatemalan  evangelist  is working. 

Contact us to plan a trip for your Christian School or other group.

College Trip - Nepal

A group of young adults from  Liberty University and other  schools   traveled to  Nepal for  a threefold project.  (1)   They taught  Bible  to children in two of our children’s homes.  (2)   They  did a work project of painting and planting banana trees.  (3)   The pastor who accompanied on the trip taught  a  3 day seminary module to the  Nepali  pastors.

First Bible Church - Nicaragua

The First Bible Church in Calexico, California joined us for a mission project in Guatemala in 2012. Again in 2013, they worked with our ministry in Nicaragua — pastor training, preaching in village churches and to the children.

Contact us to plan a trip for your church group.

General Group - Guatemala

Poverty is everywhere. Spiritually lost people are everywhere. Here is a chance to be part of doing something about it. We do this trip every year.  Projects are planned according to the gifts and interests of the participants. We often have a building or painting project. We also plan teaching and crafts for children in the orphanage and/or villages. We serve food in the feeding center. We might distribute clothing or food in a needy village. Every trip is different. There is something to do and a way to help, whether you want to do construction or serve in other ways. Our annual Guatemala trip is for anyone -- individuals or small groups, adults or teens traveling with a parent.

Information  sheet for this trip: Click Here »

Sunbury Bible Church - Guatemala

Pastor Matt Combs from Sunbury Bible Church in Pennsylvania led a group from his church to Guatemala. They completed the building project to provide a church for a village.  In a previous trip, they built a greenhouse to help provide food for a poor family.

Contact us to plan a similar trip for your church group.

Men’s Building Team - Nepal

In January, 2012 a group of men traveled to Nepal to build a church for the Maranatha Project. What a blessing to have the church open and in use now!    The next phase of the project is to build a second floor for the children’s home on the same property. So many children need to come, but the space is full.    We will be planning a men’s building team  every year until the need is  met.

Contact us to join the next men’s building team to  Nepal.

Medical Team - Nepal

We need doctors for this annual medical ministry project. The team is led by a Nepali doctor who lives and works in the US. 

This trip is schedule each year near the end of October and early  November. If you are a doctor interested in going, we will help you contact him with your questions. 

Christmas Trip - Nepal

This is our annual trip women’s trip to Nepal to gather the materials needed for our sponsorship program — new photos, progress reports, letters for sponsors. We need help!  

We also teach from the Christmas story at each stop and pack/distribute Christmas bags for every child. It is a work trip, a teaching trip and a fun trip. Come visit every church program and children’s home in Nepal with us.