
Missions Outreach - FAQs

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

What  is the project for the mission trip?

  • Each one is different according to the gifts and interests of those who participate.  Some trips are  planned around a project so everyone who goes  should be interested in  building ( for example). Some trips might have part of the group building and another part doing children’s ministry activities. If you have a group who wants to build (or a group that does not want to build) Contact us!  

What are typical  or needed projects ?

  • Supplies: Most teams carry and distribute needed supplies such as donated clothing, vitamins, school supplies.
  • Speaking: Preaching in churches, training pastors, Bible conference for women, Bible lessons for children.
  • Skills: Use or teach a special skill that you have to bless the people:  hair cutting, computer skills, crafts that can be sold, health/hygiene issues, others?
  • Music: Minister in the churches with singing or instruments, music for the children.
  • Work projects: Concrete construction, brick laying, painting, digging, cleaning, planting trees.
  • Children’s ministry: Bible lessons, crafts, fill and distribute Christmas bags, new photos and progress reports for the sponsorship program.
  • Medical: Mainly doctors needed, but others can help with supplies, organizing the people, distributing tracts.

Can our church  ( school, college group)  form our own group and make a trip?

  • If you can recruit enough people, yes! The number of participants needed depends on the country and the project.

Will there be another trip to  Guatemala ( Nepal, or other country)  this year, other than those listed?

  • There might be. We will list trips on the web site when they become definite, but one could be in planning that is not yet listed.  Contact us!

Is it too late to  join a trip that is  departing very soon?

  • Many times we can add another person in late, if a seat on the flight is available.  Contact us!

What is included in the quote for the trip cost?

  • The estimated cost quote includes air fare and everything related to the trip within the country such as ground travel, sleeping accommodations, meals, and project costs. It does not include: passport, immunizations, travel medical insurance (required), ground transportation to/from a US airport, food in airports or during air travel, excess baggage fees, laundry, personal health or hygiene items. The trip cost quoted is an estimate. If  there is some unexpected event (for example, a delayed return flight), there could be additional costs involved.

How can I get a passport?

  • Go HERE to the U.S. State Department website to apply. If you have any questions, we can help you.

What  immunizations do I need?

  • We will send you a list of recommended immunizations and/or you can consult your own doctor.

Do I need travel medical insurance?

  • Yes. Very few health insurance policies cover international travel unless you have a special rider attached.  We will give you contact information for companies we  recommend. You will need to call and make the arrangement and payment. This is not included in the quote for the trip. Our board requires every trip participant to have travel medical insurance. 

What happens if I raise funds for a trip, but change my mind or some  situation prevents me from going?

  • Funds that have been received and tax receipted cannot be returned. The balance that has not been spent (for example, for an air ticket) can be kept for a future trip, applied to benefit one of the other participants or donated for the project. If this happens, we will decide something with you individually.

What should I pack?

  • We will send you a list of things we suggest to bring. Each person can (usually) pack one piece of luggage, under  50 lbs, and a smaller bag for carry-on. 

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