
About Our Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Jannah Cooter

   Missions & Administrative Assistant

I had the privilege of growing up knowing who Christ is and what He did for me. I learned about God each week in church and at the age of 7, I understood the sacrifice God had made in sending His Son to die on the cross. I knew that I loved God for what He had done and told my mother that I wanted to live in heaven with God when I died.

I’m so thankful for my mother who helped me accept the Lord as my Savior that day and has continued to help me grow throughout the years.

At the age of 15, I took a missions trip to New York City to sing and share the gospel on the streets. Before this time, I had never shared my faith with people who didn’t believe in God. My eyes were open to how lost the world is and I was overwhelmed.

Even after I came home, my heart continued to be burdened for those who didn’t know Christ as their Savior. I was always fascinated by missionaries and their stories of sharing the gospel overseas, but the thought of being a missionary was terrifying to me. I prayed that the Lord would give me a peace about missions if it was what He wanted for my life.

After months of praying, missions became my only desire and my previous dreams for my life faded into the background. There was nothing I wanted more than to serve others around the world.

I began volunteering in the office at Allow The Children the summer I was 16 and took several trips to Guatemala, as well as Jordan and Nepal. The opportunity to be a full time missionary with Allow The Children presented itself and I’m so thankful God has lead me to this place in my life.

I love the work that Allow The Children does in supporting needy children, as well as enabling pastors and their families to further the gospel in their own countries. Working with Allow the Children has been a great blessing and I hope to be a blessing to others through this ministry.

Jannah will be working with our office admin as well as field work.  She has already made many country trips with us. She will be teaching children, doing sponsorship management and helping with our team trips.

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