
About Our Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Michael and Sue Cook

   Founders, Directors, Field Missionaries

 We began our ministry making short term trips in 1991. We visited such countries as China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, India and Nepal. We longed to see the lost come to the Lord and to be involved in the discipleship of new believers or with those at any point in their walk with the Lord. We taught Bible conferences for believers and held medical clinics to assist national evangelists in their work. 

We assisted and met needs for children’s homes. After making several trips to the same area, we could see the wonderful results in the children’s home ministries. Orphaned and abandoned children were received into the homes and taught daily from the Word of God. The children were often dirty and sick, malnourished and terrified when they first arrived. But by the next time we came into the country, their lives were completely different. Their eyes were bright and happy. They had a settled sense of belonging and stability about them. They were so grateful to be enrolled in school and they studied hard. We saw Hindu and Buddhist children, traumatized by events in their lives, but now healing and coming to the Lord in genuine, growing faith. Each time support for one of the homes increased, another child could be “saved” from starvation and abuse and have a chance to be saved eternally.

Over the years, Nepal became our favorite place. Our hearts were drawn to the children’s homes and our relationships with the children and their caregivers deepened.

In 1999, we left our business to devote ourselves full time to the mission work. Selling some of the property and putting others into a management company, we deliberately created a situation that would provide us with personal support, but left most of our time free for the ministry. Godly Asian pastors and believers became our mentors, and we saw our intimacy with God deepen as we poured more of ourselves into serving Him and loving His people.

In May 2003, we responded to the call of God and the request of two Nepali pastors, who were long time ministry partners, to bring some help for the needy children in their churches. Nepali church members were joining together to help orphaned children and others whose parents could not pay school fees, but there were just so many who needed help. With the Lord’s help and guidance, we established a 501(C)3 organization and gave it the defining name:  Allow The Children  taken from Mark 10:14. We set up a child sponsorship program for the children under the two churches. These were children of evangelists or widows, orphans taken in by another family or similar needy situations. We also began sponsorship with the children’s homes to provide a committed operational support for them.

We try to visit all of our children and the caregivers at least twice a year. This has enabled us to be a part of the evangelism, discipleship and growth process for more precious Nepali children than we ever dreamed possible. We have numerous opportunities to teach Bible to the children, caregivers, church members and leaders.

As time passed, we branched into other countries and other ministry areas. Today, we still love the children’s work, but we also serve the local churches by providing Bibles, pastor training, medical clinics, and occasionally a building project. We take teams of Americans into the different countries for projects several times a year.
Jesus said, “If you do it to the least of these, My brethren, you do it to Me.”

We have taken the motto:  Loving His Children; Building His  Church. We want to use this ministry to help children in need — especially to have the basic food, clothing and shelter they need. We want to educate them as Christ following leaders and witnesses in whatever walk of life they take. We also want to build the church, by standing with the local believers and helping in all kinds of ways.

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Our ministry work began in Nepal and it is still the country of our largest work. But over the years, the Lord has led us to serve in several other countries. We love them all.

Michael travels to the different countries to teach and preach.  Sue manages the sponsorship programs, the projects and the teams.  

We travel into every country in which we Allow The Children ministers at least one time a year and often several  times for accountability, encouragement and personal participation in the field work. 

When in the United States, we both try to keep up with the office administration work and everything that must be done in order to support the work in the field. 

Our children’s homes are led by strong national believers in each country and our projects are handled under local churches or evangelist as they open new areas for the gospel.