
About Our Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Govinda & Jamuna Awale

Govinda and Jamuna Awale, with their children Meriya and Marina, join us from the country of Nepal.   The family arrived on Memorial Day, 2012, to join our staff herein the United States. Govinda is working in all areas of our ministry and is especially  equipped for ministry related to Nepal and Asia. He is a  great gift from the Lord, bringing an intrinsic understanding of  Nepali  culture and translation skills. He has a special passion for planning and managing ministry projects.

Govinda was born into a Hindu family (see his testimony in the video below).  He came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and served as administrator of Koinonia Patan Church in Nepal when we came to know him. When we started sponsoring children, Govinda managed the program for his church. We received children of evangelists, trained and sent from the church. We added children of widows or other needy families in the church.

After working with Govinda for about nine years, we knew of his integrity, his dependability and his administrative skills. We needed help in the U.S. office and he seemed to be the right fit for the job. It is difficult to find Americans with the passion and understanding of what the work we do here means to impoverished children in Asia. It is nearly impossible to find an American who can speak and translate Nepali, which is a skill we frequently need. Govinda knows the partners we work with in Nepal. He knows the areas where we work. He can advise in areas of culture and language. He knows what year it is on our calendar when the Nepali partner writes “2067” for a child’s birth date on a history form. He knows whether a  place name is a section of the capital city or a village in the mountains. And Govinda can find the answer to a question in Nepali, if we cannot come to an understanding with the partners using English.

Since he has been in the United States, Govinda has the blessing of living in the mission house provided by our home church. He is studying in a seminary program to advance his ministry skills. He has started a Nepali fellowship in his home, meeting regularly with Nepali believers for worship and inviting Nepalis of other faiths as well. He came to help us with our administration work, but like missionaries sent to fields all over the earth, he is planting a church, reaching people of his own language and culture, right here  in the US.

We are grateful for individuals and churches who would  join with us to provide missionary support for this family. Govinda is available to speak in churches or to any group about the ministry and grateful for these opportunities.

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