
About Our Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Anand & Shanti Neupane

   Nepal Country Director

Anand Neupane has been working with us and helping usin the Nepal ministry even back to the time before we founded  Allow The Children. He plans our schedule, makes appointments and usually takes us to the different areas of Nepal where we work.  

Through the years, he has advised us about how to work within the culture and the realities of the country. He took the lead in setting up our registered NGO in Nepal. He translates when we teach. He hosts us in his own home. He leads the teams that we bring to Nepal and sees to their needs. He has certainly been just as involved as anyone in the development of the  Allow The Children work in Nepal. 

Anand is now part of the Allow The Children USA staff by formal vote of the Board of Directors. He will continue to live in   Nepal, managing all of our ministries there asour representative. Anand will also continue as coordinator for the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) ministry, which he has been doing since 1997. 

One important aspect of this step is that the multiple programs and projects we have in Nepal no longer depend on our personal direction. Though Nepal will continue to be a frequent destination for us, many tasks can be accomplished under  Anand’s very able management. It is a tremendous asset to us to have him as part of our staff.

Anand’s  Testimony

My name is Anand Neupane . I was born to a Hindu Brahmin family. I am married to a Christian wife and we have two daughters. I came to know the Lord in 1982. My father died before I was born. When I was eight years old I moved to south west Nepal with my brother who was posted there to work in community health program. I had  the opportunity to go to the church and Sunday school with my brother who was the first Christian in the family and village.

During the Sunday school and Church service I had opportunities to learn about Christ. In 1982 I came to know Christ not only as a religious leader but also as my personal Lord and Savior. Jesus spoke personally to me in the Sunday school class. I accepted Him in my life to rule. Since then I have had a close personal relationship with Him. I also had opportunity to grow in the Lord as He provided a place to stay for almost 12 years with my church pastor. Many storms and difficulties were on the way but God gave me strength and victory throughout.

Since 1995 I have been actively involved in ministry work for the expansion of God's kingdom.

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