
About Our Ministry

Our mission is to be used by God as He answers the cry of the lost and helpless children of the world.
(Psalm 72:12-14)

Tamara joined the Allow The Children staff in June 2009. She is carrying significant responsibilities in the office which are part of what makes Allow The Children work.

Tamara makes several trips each year to the different countries of ministries.   She  does most of the planning for the children's  ministries and helps with the  mission teams.   She uses her  skills and gift for photography   for the pictures we need to ommunicate and manage the ministry.  She gathers the information and data needed for the sponsorship program, and does some Bible teaching in conferences and children's devotions.

Tamara Aldrich

   Missions & Administrative Assistant

Long before 2009, when I became a missionary working with Allow the Children Ministries, God began to develop a love for missions within my heart.  God gave me the blessing of being raised in a Christian family that believed strongly in missions.  

My grandparents were on the mission field for 25 years and so I was blessed with "missionary stories" from my earliest days.  God did a work in my heart at the age of 15 when I personally came to repentance.  

God immediately drew me towards missions as I was given the opportunity to visit a mission work that my grandparents had begun years earlier.  Mission work was transformed from something I heard about and was supposed to do, to something my heart was longing to have a part in.

 I had no idea that God would eventually call me to full time ministry, but he used that first trip to prepare my heart for where he would later lead me.  I took every opportunity to participate in mission trips and volunteered time to work at Allow the Children.

 In December of 2008, Sue Cook shared with me the great need for office help and asked me to pray and consider whether God would have me join with Allow the Children Ministries on a full time basis.  After a vision trip to Nepal and much prayer I felt that God was calling me to leave my job and commit to full time ministry.

 I am currently serving both on the field and in the office as a full time administrator and missionary. 

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